Friday, December 13, 2013

Animal Jam Dynamite: Jamaalidays 2013

Animal Jam Dynamite: Jamaalidays 2013: Hey Jammers! The Jamaalidays are back with NEW gifts! Login to Animal Jam everyday to see what surprising gift you get. If you missed out ...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcome To Animal Jam Dynamite

Hey Jammers! Welcome to Animal Jam Dynamite! Here you will find things that will help you get ready for the best time of your life on Animal Jam! I'm DynamicSpirit, a fun,adventurous jammer,a spirit fan of Snowyclaw, and a part-time helper around Jamaa! Please join me in my blog to help bring all jammers together and make peace!

     The All New Play-As-Your-Pet Party
Everyone is jamming around about the Play-As-Your-Pet Party! It's a brand new party that has a feature where you can dance and play as your pet!

As jammers may need to know, the only way to go to the party is by buying a pet of any kind!

Another thing jammers may need to know is that there is a secret shop for the Play-As-Your-Pet Party! The only way to find it is if you have a pet that could fly like bats, hummingbirds, butterflies, and owls.

If you want to know where the party is located, just click on your "My Parties" icon and when the party has started, click "Go Now!"